Friday, July 9, 2021

Upper Geyser Basin



Upper Geyser Basin has the most concentrated number of geysers within an area in the world. Upper Geyser Basin is located within Yellowstone National Park and the famous Old Faithful in within it. Other than the Old Faithful Geyser, there are many other geysers in the area. The Upper Geyser Basin area has board walk built to allow visitors to walk around the basin to have a close look at each unique geyser feature.

We took a walk at Upper Geyser Basin after checking out the eruption of the Old Faithful. Other than just the board walk, there is an overlook at the top of the hill. The trail to the top was only 0.5 miles and thus we took this trail to the top first. From the top of the hill, we had an amazing view over Upper Geyser Basin and we could also see Old Faithful Inn on the far side. It was a great view point for people to enjoy.

As we came back down to the board walk, we came across a lost girl wondering around by herself without any adults accompanying her. There were people worried about her and thought she was lost. We tried to communicate with the girl but she didn't seem to be able to communicate or just didn't want to talk to the strangers. As we were thinking of contacting the rangers, her parents with a stroller showed up and called the girl. The parents seemed really calm and was walking slowly. They did not seem to be worried at all and probably left the girl there on purpose. By listening to their dialect, they seemed to be from Korea. Not really sure why they left the girl there.

As we proceed down the board walk, the Lion Geyser erupted high into the air. It was huge! It was erupting for a very long time. While Lion Geyser was erupting, the 2 other geysers beside it also started to erupt. It was amazing to see 3 different geysers near by each other to erupt at the same time.

We then walked on the board walk further West and came to Riverside Geyser. This geyser was the most predictable geyser in the area. It erupts approximately every 2 hours. When we got there, it was just erupting across from the river. There was so much moist and water in the air as the geyser was kind of erupting on the side ways.

After that we continued west and saw many hot spring pools. Some pools have beautiful color but some have weird color. The first one we saw had brown color. It looked almost like onion soup and it was warm too. We then came to the last hot spring pool on the West side and it was the Morning Glory Pool. This was a beautiful hot spring pool. The surface of the pool was calm. The color of Morning Glory Pool was amazing. It had orange ring on the side with green and blue color in the center. It was a magnificent colored pool.

Overall, we spent about 2 hours here to go visit all the geysers and hot springs. The eruption of some geysers were unpredictable, but visitors are bound to see some geyser eruption. Note that after geyser eruption, the board walk becomes wet and can be quite slippery since the hot spring water is a bit silky.

