Sunday, July 11, 2021

Mammoth Hot Spring




Mammoth Hot Spring is another special thermal feature located in Yellowstone National Park. It is located at Northwest side of Yellowstone National Park. It is not far from the North entrance. Its special thermal feature has formed many strange looking rock formations. The board walk at Mammoth Hot Spring also allows visitors to walk around the hot spring area to check out all the cool looking features.

The Mammoth Hot Spring has the Lower Terrace and Upper Terrace. We first got to the Lower Terrace by 7AM in the morning. Once we parked the car, we saw many elks in the hot spring area feeding off the grass. We walked closer but only saw female elks. Not sure where the male elks were. There were about 10 female elks in the area and they were having fun together. They actually walked up really close to us and making weird sound.

We continued to walk towards the Upper Terrace to check out the entire Mammoth Hot Spring. The main thermal feature of Mammoth Hot spring looked silky smooth with steam coming out of it. The golden color rock was a beautiful sight under the early morning sun light. It was really cool.

As we kept going, we walked across an area with nothing but dead trees and white sands. The Cupid Spring was beautiful with yellow and pink color. It almost had the color of rainbow across the rock surface.

When we got to the Upper Terrace, there wasn't much other stuff to see. Most of the thermal features were at the Lower Terrace. We were initially thinking of driving around the Upper Terrace, we decided not to do that anymore since we had seen everything we wanted.

Overall, Mammoth Hot Spring was pretty cool to visit and did not take much time. It is also very close to the historic district where people can shop and rest. It is definitely worth a visit.

