Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Juhachiban Takoyaki


Juhachiban Takoyaki is one of the most famous Takoyaki place at Dotonbori. There are many other Takoyaki restaurants at Dotonbori, but you cannot miss this one. Juhachiban Takoyaki has a huge 3D takoyaki model placed at the top of the restaurant. It is huge! This place also often has huge lines of people lining up to purchase takoyaki.

We walked around the entire Dotonbori, and we think Juhachiban Takoyaki would be the best one. We lined up to get our order placed. Then we noticed that orders are placed by purchasing food ticket from the ticketing machine. This was quite interesting to us. We looked at the ticketing machine, and there were many different selections to choose from.

There are 3 different flavors of takoyakis to choose from. There is also a selection where you will get a mix of all 3 different flavors. Then for 1 single flavor, you could also choose to have 6, 8, or 10 takoyakis. We got the 8 takoyaki of the original flavor, which is 800 Japanese Yen.

After we got the ticket, we gave it to the person to place the order. We could also see few employees making takoyakis in front of us. He was making a batch of 50 takoyakis at once. We were quickly being served with our order. We could feel the heat by just holding onto it. We then walked to the side of the restaurant where there are actually seats that the restaurant provides. The best part is that it also has AC running.

The takoyaki taste is really amazing and we loved it. The takoyaki was huge and round. The best part is that unless many takoyaki restaurants where they only give 1 piece of octopus, this restaurant places 2 pieces of octopus in 1 single takoyaki. We really loved this.

We really loved the takoyaki from Juhachiban Takoyaki. We wished we could have gone back and have more takoyaki from it if we could.
