Sunday, May 21, 2023

Leavenworth Reindeer Farm



Leavenworth Reindeer Farm is a very popular tourist attraction at Leavenworth in Washington State. Leavenworth Reindeer Farm is located just few minutes North of Leavenworth downtown area. The farm offers unique experiences to interact with reindeers and have a close look at the reindeers. The farm offer tours in the morning during the summer season to avoid the heat in the afternoon.

We booked our tour appointment at 11:30AM but we got to Leavenworth Reindeer Farm a bit early at 10:30AM. Luckily, we were able to join the tour at 11AM so that we did not have to wait for longer time.  As we entered the farm, there were chickens running around and 2 large turkeys staring at us. We were a bit scared of the turkeys.  The little girl at the table waved at us to pick out the food to feed the chicken.  Each guest can have a bowl of food to feed them.

After feeding the chicken, we went to check out the gift shop. The gift shop was decorated with Christmas theme with lot of Christmas lights in the barn.  It felt quite cozy in there and very pretty.  There was also a dedicated area for Santa photo but it looked like it'll only be available during the winter season.

Going across the gift shop is where the waiting area is at. We waited there 5 minutes before the tour started.  Before the tour started, the guide went through safety rules.  Although reindeers are very friendly, little kids still need to stay far away from reindeers.

We then headed to the shed where the guide went over the history of Leavenworth Reindeer Farm.  The reindeers at the farm were shipped from Alaska.  It was very difficult to ship reindeers from Alaska to Washington as Canada would not allow reindeers to be transported across its border. So the first few reindeers were shipped by boat.  The newer ones were shipped on cargo plane.

After going over the history of the farm and the reindeer, it was finally the time to feed the reindeers!  Each guest was given a fresh branch of leaves to feed the reindeer, and also a small bowl of food to feed the reindeers.  As we entered the fenced the area, we were asked to raise our arm so that the reindeer couldn't reach the tree leaves.

When we fed the reindeers, the reindeers were tucking the leaves so we had to hold onto the tree branch very tightly.  Then we put the food on our palm to feed the reindeers.  The reindeer mouth felt very very soft.  We could feel its tongue and lip tickling our hands.

We also saw few baby reindeers.  They were so cute.  There was a baby reindeer that was abandoned by its mother and it is currently being bottle fed.  So it was by itself and not with the herd.  We were able to pet it and its fur was so soft.

Overall, this was an amazing experience at Leavenworth Reindeer Farm.  We really enjoyed it a lot and would definitely come back again.  This place is highly recommended when visiting Leavenworth.

