Saturday, June 11, 2022

Anhinga Trail



Anhinga Trail is one of the most popular hiking trail within Everglades National Park. The trail is made out of paved path and board walk, thus it is very suitable for people of all ages to hike this trail. The hiking trail is located right by Royal Palm Visitor Center. The trail itself is only less than a mile long and has zero elevation gain. It is a really easy trail but you get to spot many different wild life.

We got to Royal Palm Visitor Center around 8AM in the morning. We were the only one there and the visitor center was not open yet. As we approach the trail, we could hear loud roars from the pond. Initially we thought these roar sound came from the alligators in the water. Then when we asked the rangers, he told us that these are from Pig Frogs. These Pig Frogs can generate super loud sound like dinosaurs.

As we hiked down the trail, we saw a white heron stand by the side of the pond. It stood very still and not even moving an inch. It was very focused looking down into the water. It was waiting for the fish to show up and would strike rapidly to catch the fish. It was completely ignoring us as we walked by.

As we walked further on the board walk, we saw several alligators lying in the water. These alligators had their eyes wide open but barely move a bit. The alligators were just floating in the pond and not doing anything. We were hoping that the alligators would at least open its jaw to show some intimidation.

Anhinga Trail is definitely the trail to go to when visiting Everglades National Park. It is an easy trail to hike and offers a plenty of wild life to see.

