Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Patricia Lake


Patricia Lake is another beautiful lake located within Jasper National Park. The lake is just about 10 minutes North of Jasper. The Patricia Lake is actually just South of Pyramid Lake. These 2 lakes are about the same size. There is also a lodge just at the South side of Patricia Lake.

Since we are visiting Pyramid Lake, we decided to drop by Patricia Lake as well. When we got to Patricia Lake, we were not quite sure where to park the car. Then we took the wrong turn and went in to the Patricia Lake Lodge area. We took several turns and finally got out of the lodge area without disturbing anyone in the early morning.

We continued to drive further North and finally found a place to park our car. Once we got out of the car, the lake is just beside us. The lake shore is sandy and quite spacious for people to walk around. We also saw some other people here taking photos.

While we take pictures, a tour bus pulled over and many elderly people got out of the bus and came to the lakeside. It looks like a tourist group from BC. However, they seem to have left in a hurry within 5 minutes. They should have stayed to enjoy the view more.

We were told by the locals that the Patricia Lake is a perfect spot for taking astrophotography. Thus after dinner when the sky is clear without moon, we came to Patricia Lake again. This time, we saw many cars parked on the side of the road and when we walked to the lake shore, we saw many people who have tripod set up and taking photos. The stars were so bright and we could see many constellations clearly in the sky. The Big Dipper was very clear in the sky just over the mountain. We were able to find the polar star very easily as well.

In general, we loved Patricia Lake, especially at night. Stargazing at Patricia Lake is just an amazing experience and we would definitely do it again when we visit Jasper next time.
