Wednesday, September 28, 2016



Tobermory is a small town at the tip of Bruce Peninsula in Ontario Canada. It is about 4.5 hours of drive from Toronto.  It is an extremely popular tourist location during the summer time due to its clear blue water and lot of hiking trails within the National Park of Bruce Peninsula.

When you go to Tobermory, Flower Pot Island is a place that you must go.  You can make reservation online to take the ferry to the island. When you make reservation to Flower Pot Island, I recommend to make reservation with Bruce Anchor. It is a smaller boat but less crowded. The boat also has a glass bottom floor and takes you to see the shipwreck at Big Tub Harbor.  This shipwreck sunk was sunk in September 1885 and is a popular snorkeling place.  When you get to Flower Pot Island, there are 2 hiking trails that you can take. The first trail is longer and takes you to the famous Flower Pot Rock. The trail also takes you all the way around the island to the small light house overlook.  This trail is usually more crowded with a lot of people.  The second trails is less crowded because most people don't have time to do both trails. Part of this trail is more rocky and difficult to walk on, so make sure you have proper footwear with you.  I would recommend to spend the whole day there so that you can complete both trails. If you are bringing your pet with you, make sure you check with the ferry company to see if they allow pets on the boat.

When you get back to Tobermory, I recommend you to try Georgian Bay White Fish. Almost all the restaurants at Tobermory offer fish and chips meal with Georgian Bay White Fish. The fish is extremely juicy, tender, and fresh.  We went to Shipwreck Lee's restaurant for the fish and chips. It is a pirate themed restaurant with mostly outdoor seating. You don't want to take the indoor seats because it is so hot in there. The restaurant even offer all you can eat option for Georgian Bay White Fish! Thus if you have a craving for white fish, that is the restaurant to go to!

Near the end of the day, make sure you drive to Singing Sand Beach to watch the sunset. It is only about 10 minutes away from Tobermory.  The road to Singing Sand Beach is a bit small and easy to miss.  It would be better if you check the location on Google Map first before you head out to the beach.  Usually it is not crowded at Singing Sand Beach because most people are not aware of this place due to lack of signs on the road.  Singing Sand Beach has a large area of calm shallow water and you can walk really far into the water without getting your shorts wetThere isn't any fish or seaweed in the water either due to the shallow water. It is a gorgeous scene during the sunset when the sunlight reflects off the water.  So it is a great place to chill here at the end of the day and enjoy the view of sunset

On the next day, make sure you pay a visit to Bruce Peninsula National Park and do some hiking trails. The hiking trails at Bruce Peninsula National Park is quite easy and suitable for everyone. There are usually numbered signs telling you which part of the trail you are on. So you will not get lost that easily.  Besides, the trails are usually crowded with lot of people.  The trail will take you to the shore of Lake Superior. The water is extremely clear and attracts many people to have a swim in the water.  There are even people brought their cooler with them and hiked 2KM to the shore. It must have been very tiring to hike the trail while trying to carry the cooler filled with drinks. Remember that you cannot have alcoholic drink in the public. 

There are many other trails in the park. At the entrance, you will receive a map of the area marking all the trails and the trails are labelled with different difficulties.  So if you are not a very good hiker, you can take the easy trail that just goes around a small lake.  One issue I find with easy trail is that there are so many bees around the trails.  Although the bees are not going to sting you, it is still annoying to have bees flying around you and even stop on top of your head.  

For the whole trip, I would say 3 days is enough to see most of the stuff in Tobermory and Bruce Peninsula National Park. There isn't any fancy hotel at Tobermory, but who needs a fancy hotel when you can enjoy the nature!
