Friday, December 27, 2019

White Domes Trail


White Domes Trails is located at Valley of Fire State Park in the state of Nevada. The trail head is located at the end of Mouse Tank Road, or White Domes Road. The road sign was not very clear on the name of the road. The trail itself is about 1.4 miles long and it is a loop that loops back to the parking lot. The trail itself is quite easy with a descent at the beginning of the trail to head down the canyon. The sand on the rock can sometimes make the trail slippery so extra caution is advised.

We got to White Domes Trail around 11AM. The parking lot is about half full. As we approached the trail head, we saw a group of people on top of the rock on the side. There were even small kids among the group. It is quite dangerous to do such thing as these people seemed to be amateurs without any proper gears.

The beginning of the trail is a sandy trail and our foot simply sunk in for every step that we took. It was difficult to walk on, but got better later on the trail. We also saw some elderly people hiking on the trail taking every step down the canyon cautiously. The view from the top of the trail looking down the canyon was beautiful. The color on the rock was magnificent with soft purple highlights. These rocks simply look like a loaf of taro flavored bread.

As we got down to the bottom of the canyon, we saw even more weird shaped rocks. Some rocks look like a turtle coming out of the cliff. Other rocks have a shape of a tiger resting on the rock.

As we hiked further in, we reached the path that went between vertical cliffs. It was an awesome land formation and we were excited to take several photos here. We never had the chance to see such land formation in the Northwest.

The trail then looped around into an open field and we could see the open field on the far side and all the red rocks. The view was magnificent. There were also many rocks with large holes for people to sit in. These holes were as large as a full adult and we could lay down and sleep in there.

White Domes trail was quite an awesome experience and we highly recommend doing this hike when visiting Valley of Fire State Park.
