Thursday, December 26, 2019

Fire Wave Trail


Fire Wave Trail is the most popular hiking trail at Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada. The trail is only about 1.5 miles round trip with no elevation gain. As the name of the trail suggests, the trail takes the hiker through a trail with lot of wavy sand stones with red color. The trail is about 10 minutes from Valley of Fire Visitor Center and the parking lot is large enough to accommodate about 50 cars.

We got to Fire Wave Trail around 10AM in the morning and there was only few cars there. We started the hike by kept walking towards West, but shortly after we realized that we were off the trail. It was a bit hard to tell where the trail was in the beginning due to the sandy path and the lack of markers. The shrubs that was spread on the ground also made it hard to know which route is the correct path. Thanks to Google Map with GPS, we were able to see the trail on the map and able to get back on the trail.

The first part of the trail was sandy, but once we got around the large rock, the trail was on the rock. We could start seeing the red colored wavy rock. It was very beautiful. In addition, it was also very quiet on the trail. We could not hear anything other than the wind.

As we approached to the end of the trail, we started to see the infamous fire wave rock. From afar, it looked like a taro pastry dessert. The color of the rock was not a bright red color. It was more like soft red with a tad of purple highlight in between. It had a shape of an ice cream scoop, which was very interesting.

Other than that, there was another big round rock on the side. That rock simply looked like a cinnamon roll. As we looked at these rock, it was making us hungry.

We saw many people sitting on the rock enjoying food. We also climbed to the top of the fire wave rock to take an awesome photo with us standing on the very top. It was very easy to climb, but do need to be cautious not to fall on the right side where the vertical drop is.

Fire Wave Trail was one of the most interesting hike we have done. The vibrant color of rocks that we see on the trail was simply amazing. The hike was also very easy and suitable for kids and senior to walk on. As we got back to the parking lot, there were also people asking about the difficulty of the trail and we simply told them not to worry.
