Saturday, July 24, 2021

Jackson Drug Co



Jackson Co is a classic and well known restaurant located at Jackson. From its name, you may think it is a pharmacy store, but it is actually a restaurant serving various type of food such as burgers and milkshakes. Jackson Drug started back in 1919 and it has been serving as soda fountain and as a pharmacy. Then it pivoted to start the restaurant business and has been rather successful. Many visitors to Jackson come here to dine and the line up for its ice cream has always been quite long.

We came to visit Jackson after finishing off fossil digging at American Fossils. We got to Jackson around 4:30PM and thought that we might as well get early dinner. There was a lot of people on the street and we weren't quite sure where to go for dinner. Then we spotted a long line at Jackson Drug and figured that we should try the restaurant that has a long line.

The only thing that we were worried about is the wait time. Luckily most of the people in the line were getting ice cream, thus we did not have to wait for the table to be ready.

We ordered an Elk Burger and a Bison Burger since these are quite rare for us to see on the menu. We also chose to have waffle fries and tots as the side. We also ordered huckleberry ice cream because we were told huckleberry ice cream or milkshake is a must try when visiting Jackson.

It took a while for the burger to arrive, but the burgers look good nonetheless. The vegetable includes lettuce, tomato, onion and pickles. They looked rather fresh. We tried the bison burger first. The bison burger meat tastes just like beef, but it was quite firm and less juicy. We were wondering if it was because the bisons are always running around. The elk burger on the other hand was a bit dry as well. We weren't sure if it is always like this or due to the way how it was cooked. Overall, both elk burger and bison burger were not as good as we were expecting. It was just something new to try. Regular burger with beef would taste a lot better.

The huckleberry ice cream came after we finished off the burger. The ice cream seemed handmade and look quite good. The ice cream looked quite soft. The color of the ice cream was light purple color. When we tasted it, the flavor of huckleberry was quite faint. If we did not know it was huckleberry, we wouldn't be able to tell.

Overall, it was an interesting experience to try elk burger and bison burger. However, the beef burger would be more juicy and tasty.
