Monday, June 5, 2017

L&L Hawaiian BBQ - gigantic portion of food!


L&L Hawaiian BBQ is a franchise restaurant through out the state of Hawaii.  It is not really a fast food restaurant like McDonald's or Burger King. It is more like a restaurant where they actually cook the meat after you placed your order. Since we went to Hawaii for vacation, trying out the authentic Hawaiian BBQ is a must!

We went to L&L Hawaiian BBQ after Diamond Head hiking trail and Koko Crater hiking trail. We were extremely exhausted due to the difficulty of Koko Crater hiking trail. We were so hungry and figured that this is the best time to try out L&L Hawaiian BBQ. We drove to L&L and found that the restaurant is quite small. There were only 9 tables in the restaurant and not many people in there. We figured that most people probably just order take out. After starring at the menu for several minutes, we decided to order BBQ Chicken and Mixed BBQ meal. We ordered both of them as regular portion and this was a HUGE mistake. The regular portion of the meal is huge!

The BBQ Chicken meal came with 3 giant pieces of chicken, 4 scoops of rice, and about 2 scoops of macaroni salad. This is a lot of food! We should have ordered the tiny size of the meal. The menu only offers tiny and regular.

The Mixed BBQ meal came with 2 pieces of chicken, 1 serving of teriyaki beef, and 1 piece of short rib! This is a lot of meat! We could not finish the meal at all! For a portion this big, we could probably have this for the next 3 meals!

Nonetheless, the BBQ chicken and beef are amazing. I love the crispy texture of the BBQ chicken and the BBQ sauce is sweet. Teriyaki beef is tender and juicy as well. Just the way how it should be.  The BBQ rib is really good too. It was chewy but easy to bite the bone off.

While we were at the restaurant and enjoying our feast, we did see many people coming in and out ordering the food. So as what we expected, most people just order take out. Although the restaurant is not a fast food restaurant, it was able to serve food to its customers rather quickly. We only had to wait for a bit over 5 minutes to get our food and enjoy the meal!

In general, this is a must try place when you go to Hawaii since it offers authentic Hawaiian BBQ experience!
